
Our mission is to provide scientifically-sound, very practical programs that will assist you in achieving optimal health and wellbeing. Our Creator has invited us to “prosper in all things and be in health just as [your] soul prospers” 3rd John 2.

Explore the links below and join us for an exciting adventure toward wholeness of body, mind, and soul. 

TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR HEALTH presents programs periodically and meets on a Sunday evening when scheduled.  Scientific research and its application to daily living are presented in easy-to-understand words to assist in optimizing your health.

PLANT-POWERED COOKING CLASSES meet on a near-monthly basis and include recipe demonstrations, food samples, handouts, and fun door prizes.

BRAIN HEALTH – Sharper minds and happier moods emerge from these two programs, both of which are designed to build better brain function in fun, simple steps that anyone can do.

CHIP – COMPLETE HEALTH IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM  Prevent, arrest, and even reverse chronic disease. Significant improvements can be seen in as little as 30 days, including blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, BMI, fasting blood sugar, sleep resilience, and depression.

DIABETES UNDONE1 in 3 Americans has diabetes or pre-diabetes. This doesn’t have to be your story. Join Dr. Wes Youngberg and Dr. Brenda Davis via video in eight hope-filled interactive sessions that include workbook, cookbook, video options, and more. Many people attending this program a saying goodbye to diabetes type 2.

ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP meets the 1st Monday of each month, 7:00 p.m. in Room 4.